On June, 2014

Browsing all posts on June, 2014

World Cup 2014 Themed Post

The boffins at Facebook have advised me to make a post relating to the World Cup in some fashion, as this will practically guarantee increased engagement, comments, shares and all kinds of great sounding stuff including extra cash from all the bookings this will undoubtedly produce. I'm not so sure myself, but here goes:-


So, the World Cup is on at the moment. Mmmm, football is great. I just love it. I was just saying the other day about how much I want to watch a team playing another team at football during the World Cup. I certainly hope that sometimes the football goes into the goal in a most entertaining fashion.

You know what else is great? Booking me to show you and your chums some magic. I suggest you do that. Why not send me an email during that bit of a football game where the teams go off to have a bit of a rest?

Point your email program at Rob@HonestDeception.co.uk . Why not share this, so that maybe one of /your/ friends will book me so you can see some magic without having to fork out yourself.
